Avocado Pasta

As a fan of pasta i am always experimenting with new flavors. This is my favorite pasta meal, absolutely healthy and easy to make.

It’s very refreshing and nutritious. All you need is pasta ( i love Barilla integral pasta), avocado, Feta cheese and olive oil. It’s very creamy and delicious!

Ingredients for 2

  • Barrila Pasta
  • 1-2 avocado
  • 150g feta cheese
  • 1-2 tablespoon olive oil


Simply cut avocado flesh off the stone and mash with a fork. Add Feta cheese to it and mash it all together. Than add olive oil to it till you get smooth mixture. Add a bit of chilli if you like. When the pasta is cooked add mashed avocado and cheese and mix everything together.

Published by

Ana Segota

Co-founder of @AnarielDesign ( Niche WordPress Themes ). WordPresser. Themer. Food & Music Lover

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